The Kings of Pleasure were started back in 2002 by the late Dan Sanchez. For many years they toured the country playing their style of West Coast, Jump and Swing style of blues. They were recipients of the Best Emerging artist award in 2005 at the Arkansas Heritage Festival(King Biscuit). They have backed up Arthur Williams and also blues piano legend Henry Gray at the Highland Blues & Jazz Festival. The band stopped playing after Dan's passing in early 2010. They decided to get back together in mid 2011 to keep playing the music that they and Dan loved so much. They play songs from the greats like B.B. King, Jimmy Reed, Little Walter, Floyd Dixon and Pinetop Pekins to modern blues like Lynwood Slim, Rusty Zinn and Junior Watson to Americana songs of the Blasters and Carlos Guitarlos. They also play some of Dan's original songs and some of their own. Now playing guitar is Tony Casio who has been playing blues around the Ark-La-Tex area for many years with his dad, A.J. and the Two-Tones. The rest of the "Kings" are Ryan Ramos(harmonica/vocals), Jason Ball(piano/vocals, Donald Durham(bass), and Cody Lowery(drums).
Boomtown Casino, Bossier City 2011
Blue Goose Music Festival, Shreveport 2011 Noble Savage, downtown Shreveport Jan 28th 10-1 Tiki Bar, Shreveport Mar 31st 10-1 Holiday in Dixie, Shreveport Apr 19th 8-10 Mudbug Madness Crawfish Festival, Shreveport May 24th 11:30-1:30 Holiday Lanes, Bossier City June 29th 9-12 Noble Savage, downtown Shreveport July 21th 10-1 Tiki Bar, Shreveport Aug 11th 10-1 Noble Savage, downtown Shreveport Nov 9th 9-11 |